exe file and follow the installation steps. The installation of this software is like any other: just open the.

Link – Download SMM – Check the MODs included How to install Satisfactory MOD Manager and install MODs on it This MOD Manager is periodically updated with new MODs and improvements for the launcher, so it is highly recommended to download it and manage your MODs with it.

It is a totally free software, which can be downloaded directly from the official website of the creators. There is no other software that comes close to it in the Satisfactory universe, and the convenience it offers when it comes to managing MODs is spectacular. With this Windows software you can download and install more than 250 MODs for Satisfactory with just a few clicks. It is really convenient to be able to activate and deactivate MODs to our liking with just a few clicks, and not having to get into the hassle of putting and removing files from the game folders. But its greatness does not end there this software allows us to select which MODs are activated before launching the game, which will save you time when managing MODs. You could say that Satisfactory MOD Manager is a small MOD Store or MarketPlace, which gives us great facilities when downloading and installing mods. By downloading and installing this MOD Manager, you will be able to instantly access a large selection of MODs that you can download, literally, with a single click.

Satisfactory Mod Manager is, in a nutshell, the cornerstone of all modding within Satisfactory, and the natural evolution of the old MOD Loader.